- About
- Corporate Profile
Millennium Information Solution is one of the leading software companies with two decades of market presence in the Islamic banking and finance industry. MISL brings together the talent and market potential of a group of dedicated software and business professionals led by specialists in the fields of Information Technology and Islamic Finance. Through its commitment and dedication towards quality, innovation and customer satisfaction, MISL has established itself as a consistent and reliable software company. The company focuses on solutions for Islamic Banking and Finance with its flagship product “ABABIL”, specializing in the area of Core Islamic Banking, complying with Islamic Shariah and global rules and regulations. Headquartered in Bangladesh, Millennium Information Solution Limited also has presence through partner companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Senegal and Ivory Coast.
The unique strength of Ababil is the fact that Islamic Shariah based business logic of this product, which gained maturity with the involvement and input of Shariah Scholars from home and abroad, renowned bankers and field level users since the inception of the product. The solution has been designed from the ground up strictly conforming to AAOIFI guidelines and keeping Islamic Shariah in perspective.
Ranked amongst the top ten global Islamic Banking Solution providers by Gartner Inc., USA, MISL continues to serve some of the most renowned and prestigious banking and non-banking financial institutions in South Asia. Following certified quality management systems, ABABIL has been benchmarked by IBM with proven flexibility to meet global demands. Along with the core Islamic banking solution, Millennium has launched a number of sub modules which includes Islamic Trade Finance, Internet Banking, Sukuk Management, Off-shore Banking, Agent Banking, Islamic Treasury Management, Finance Origination System, Mobile Banking, etc.
Besides Ababil, MISL also has a comprehensive Human Resource Management Solution (HRMS), SYLVIA. A fully web-based solution, SYLVIA is designed and developed by MISL with a view to achieve maximum business benefit for enterprises looking for an effective and efficient way to run their HR operation to meet their strategic as well as operational HR goals. The extremely user friendly system has an attractive user interface supporting complete flexibility with fantastic ease of use facility.
With a robust architecture capable of easy integration between conventional banking systems and Islamic platforms, ABABIL and SYLVIA continues to grow with a mission to share more success stories from clients all over the world.
Mission & Vision

We are deeply committed to become a successful global company leveraging the creativity and hard work of our bright and passionate individuals and positioning their services to the global market.
We envisage being the center of excellence in software development and services ranking among the top ten fastest-growing companies in this region by 2025
Millennium Objective
- To increase revenue by 50% annually through commitment, innovation, and dedication.
- To become one of the leading global Islamic Banking Software and Human Resources Management System provider within 2025.
- Maintain R&D Focus on the futuristic domain.
Mahmud Hossain
Managing Director & CEO
Mr. Mahmud is working as the Chief Executive Officer of Millennium Information Solution . from 1997. He is involved in managing and leading a group of professionals to design, develop and market Software Development Projects for local as well as international market. He was the main designer of the first version of MISL’s flagship product “Ababil”, which is a complete solution for Islamic Banking and Finance following Islamic Shariah.
He leads the development and implementation of Millennium’s corporate marketing initiatives as well as corporate strategy and business plan. With applied knowledge in IT disciplines for more than 27 years, Mr. Mahmud addresses the business domain as well as the technical aspects of customers’ problems. Previously, he had worked as the Technical Manager for medium to large national and international projects. He also served as a consultant to many Multinational Corporations as well as numerous projects of reputed International companies.